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Suicide Squad Gives Me Some Hope

In case you missed it the Suicide Squad trailer was premiered yesterday (because that's what happens when someone doesn't follow the rules at San Diego Comic Con).

I've been highly disappointed this whole time about the movie. The cast was okay, I guess, then Hardy removed himself from the picture and things went south. Pictures started to leak, videos came out, surprises were spoiled (Batman), etc. My disappointment grew every time I saw something with the title "Suicide Squad".

So, on Saturday DC Entertainment had its panel and later that night, we had a leaked trailer. I didn't watch it, but I read the transcript. I wasn't too impressed with just reading the description, because I know a lot about Harley, but not much about the others, so I couldn't really have a picture. Then yesterday we got this:

I didn't get as excited as I have with other subjects (did you know Wreck-It Ralph 2 is in the works???!!!!!!) but I must say I feel a little better about spending my money while watching the movie.

During the time that all these pictures and videos were coming out, I saw the movie not as dark as it could be. Thankfully getting an introduction to Amanda Waller gave me hope; the way she describes the Squad and the process to make sure they are not out of line gives the movie a true Suicide Squad feel. Plus, seeing Viola Davis act is sort of magical.

The getting "introduced" to each of the characters makes it much more real. For example Katana, who I know absolutely nothing of, looks pretty bad ass. You can tell she can fight. Also there’s a point where even though the team is all united, she is the focal point. I hope she gets a good amount of screen time. We also see Killer Croc (which looks a lot better than the pictures), El Diablo, Rick Flagg, Enchantress, and Captain Boomerang. Very little about Slipknot, thought.​

One of my fears about the movie what that Will Smith was going to overshadow the rest of the team because, well, he is Will Smith, but it doesn't seem like that.

Then there is Harley... Oh Harley. I still wish she wasn't portrayed as Slutty Harley, but nobody asked me. Still looking crazy enough, though. I do not like all the tattoos on her face. I don't see the point of them, maybe Joker did them to her... Again... Nobody asked me.

And then there is the Joker. I loved Jack Nicholson, I loved Heath Ledger, and as a good 90s kid I loved Mark Hamill. There is no other laugh that reminds me of the Joker as Mark Hamill's... Getting introduced to a shirtless tattooed man with neon green hair and horrible teeth is not easy. But the fear is there. The craziness is there. I do not want to mess with this guy. I could deal without his sports car in Hello Kitty pink, but I think Jared will do a good job as Joker.

I feel a little better. Like I said, I feel better about going to the movies and spending my money to watch it. I hope the trailer stops production from sharing so many details and leaves the rest as a surprise, like it should be. We still have a little over a year to see the movie, but I really hope they realize all these spoilers aren't helping the movie.

-Producer Mó.

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